Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Drugged Up and in Pain

Keeping the music playing, shifting between various high-powered old hits, trying to focus on something else than the burning sensation in my right foot. DJ Mehdi's old Signatune, in an edit by none other than Thomas Bangalter, has the right insisting pace for the job.

I've been on crutches for over a month, now. Messed up my right foot, and ignored it for a while. Bad plan. Got an injection, which is supposed to help, today. That is, after it stops feeling like a needle is repeatedly stabbed into the sole of my right foot. Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself.

Tried playing Bon Iver, and other soothing music. Doesn't really cut it. Needs to be able to keep up a barrage of sense stimulation high enough to let me think of something else.

Let's try Tool on for size.

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