Thursday, May 17, 2012

Knuckle Tattooes

On the periphery of my vision the movie Babylon A.D. is running on my really rather splendid tv-set. It's a Vin Diesel movie. His character has tattoes - faded letters - on each finger.

I grew up digesting every sci-fi novel in the little library in my provincial town. I'm willing to squint and overlook a lot when a sci-fi movie comes along. For instance, as far as I recollect I did enjoy Pitch Black a lot.

He seems to have a thing for sci-fi too. Quite effect-driven, cheesy, action-heavy, and, not-all-like-2001(-but-let's-be-honest-that-movie-was-also-a-tiny-bit-long)-movies.

However, this movie is - sadly - just bad.

... Oh yes. I should keep up appearances, shouldn't I? This is not new, but it is marvellously heart-warming.